Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Well, yesterday I booked my flight to Miami for my gateway orientation; the flight leaves at 6:25am (yikes) on July 19th... in 21 days. I know that these last days here in Minnesota will fly by in no time at all, and I'll soon be in a new home in a foreign country. I've been emailing my host sister quite a bit and learning about my host family and city I'll be in. Although I'm relying on my not-so-great Spanish speaking skills and not-always-accurate Google Translate, it seems like my host family and I share a lot of interests, and they seem like very friendly, welcoming people.

I'm pretty nervous for this upcoming year abroad, but.. who wouldn't be? It's mainly the language barrier that worries me, as well as the fact that I'll be starting school over half-way through the school year in Costa Rica, which will probably make classes more difficult.. not to mention the fact the I will probably get zero credits transferred back to MN, which means I'll have to make up an entire school year while attending my senior year blah blah blah... I'll just have to cross that bridge when I come to it... but if I stop thinking about all the little trivial things I'm anxious about, and even the big ones like the language barrier and fitting in with my host family, deep down, I AM SO INCREDIBLY EXCITED. And that's all that matters.

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer!

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